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BK Cup 5/2023



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
points_per_route = 100


Num tag points
1. P036. 4.17
2. P037. 4.55
3. P038. 11.11
4. P039. 5.88
5. P040. 6.67
6. P041. 4
7. P042. 14.29
8. P043. 5
9. P044. 9.09
10. P045. 20
11. P046. 6.25
12. P047. 7.14
13. P048. 100
14. P049. 5.26
15. P050. 25
16. P051. 4.17
17. G032. 4.55
18. G033. 10
19. G034. 7.14
20. G035. 12.5
21. G036. 100


Num tag points
1. P036. 20
2. P037. 16.67
3. P038. 50
4. P039. 20
5. P040. 33.33
6. P041. 16.67
7. P042. 50
8. P043. 16.67
9. P044. 33.33
10. P045. 50
11. P046. 20
12. P047. 50
13. P048. 100
14. P049. 25
15. P050. 100
16. P051. 16.67
17. G032. 16.67
18. G033. 50
19. G034. 33.33
20. G035. 100
21. G036. 100


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Megumi Suzuki 18 618.34
2. Rosa Arnold 16 498.34
3. Emmi Rautkylä 12 268.34
4. Aino Hämäläinen 9 168.35
5. JJ Pensikkala 8 143.35
6. Taru Calonius 6 103.35
7. Maria Nousiainen 0 0


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Oiva Laakso 21 366.77
2. Arttu Leinonen 19 166.77
3. Toivo Eloranta 18 141.77
3. Vadim Sukhov 18 141.77
5. Tuomo Kärkkäinen 16 132.28
6. Arttu Eloranta 16 121.37
7. Roni Ruokonen 16 109.27
7. Niklas Näsman 16 109.27
9. Aku Siekkinen 15 100.18
10. Michael Avenido 14 93.31
11. Lari Kostamo 12 68.53
12. Ossi Tapio 12 66.73
13. Kasper Nurminen 11 62.08
14. Pekka Mattila 11 60.06
15. Tyko Lund 10 58.89
16. Amos Ketonen 10 50.97
17. Leo Laiho 9 47.46
18. Vesa Rousku 8 37.95
19. Anton Nystedt 8 37.58
20. Misa Munde 7 33.11
21. Eliel Salminen 6 26.44
22. Joona Salo 4 16.89
22. Rasmus Rosendahl 4 16.89
24. Max Ketelimäki 3 15.31
25. Simo K 3 12.34
26. Reino Kupari 1 6.25
27. Jarmo Annunen 0 0
27. Bennie Wardi 0 0
27. Teo Helasvuo 0 0
27. Eemeli Nuutinen 0 0
27. Robert Nagy 0 0
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