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BK Cup 3/2023



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
points_per_route = 100


Num tag points
24. B020. 3.85
23. B021. 5.56
22. C032. 5.56
21. C033. 3.85
20. C034. 3.45
19. C035. 11.11
18. C036. 3.7
17. C037. 16.67
16. C038. 3.45
15. E014. 3.7
14. E015. 9.09
13. E016. 100
12. E017. 11.11
11. E018. 100
10. E019. 16.67
9. F012. 7.14
8. F013. 20
7. F014. 3.85
6. F015. 100
5. F016. 11.11
4. I008. 25
3. I009. 50
2. I011. 16.67
1. I012. 6.25


Num tag points
24. B020. 12.5
23. B021. 16.67
22. C032. 16.67
21. C033. 11.11
20. C034. 11.11
19. C035. 25
18. C036. 11.11
17. C037. 33.33
16. C038. 11.11
15. E014. 9.09
14. E015. 25
13. E016. 100
12. E017. 100
11. E018. 100
10. E019. 100
9. F012. 20
8. F013. 100
7. F014. 10
6. F015. 100
5. F016. 33.33
4. I008. 100
3. I009. 100
2. I011. 100
1. I012. 33.33


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Rosa Arnold 14 413.53
2. Aliaksandra Misiukevich 16 379.36
2. Megumi Suzuki 16 379.36
4. Emmi Rautkylä 11 154.37
5. Niini Vartia 9 148.53
6. JJ Pensikkala 10 129.37
7. Irina Mäkipaja 8 92.7
8. Tiina Autio 7 76.03
9. Emilia Ojanen 6 63.53
10. Hanna Iisakkila Rojas 3 31.59
10. Hellu R 3 31.59
12. Julia Kåll 0 0
12. Elizabeth Kivi 0 0
12. Petra Kåll 0 0


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Alex Ivanov 22 337.79
2. Max Ketelimäki 21 237.79
3. Arttu Leinonen 20 187.79
4. Tuomo Kärkkäinen 19 162.79
5. Vadim Sukhov 18 151.12
6. Oiva Laakso 18 146.12
7. Reino Kupari 16 109.45
8. Santtu Koste 12 80.97
9. Vili Meriläinen 13 76.11
10. Niklas Näsman 11 54.33
11. Trung Tran 11 52.31
12. Eetu Vehvis 11 50.36
12. Aku Siekkinen 11 50.36
14. Jaakko Haarla 10 48.08
15. Lari Kostamo 10 44.8
16. Leo Laiho 9 40.5
17. Ossi Tapio 9 38.55
18. Magnus Kåll 9 37.66
19. Vesa Rousku 8 37.25
20. Misa Munde 9 36.97
21. Sami Hyrynkangas 8 32.1
22. Lauri Kuula 8 31.41
22. Sulo Reuter 8 31.41
22. Elia Wallmeroth 8 31.41
25. Toivo Lindfors 7 25.85
26. Samuli Johannes Kettunen 6 23.86
27. Arttu Lahtinen 5 18.3
28. Jussa Klapuri 4 14.3
29. Veikko Mauno 3 10.6
30. Timo Peltola 0 0
30. Bennie Wardi 0 0
30. Miro . 0 0
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