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Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
0 =


Num tag points
21. F053. 6.67
20. F054. 5
19. F055. 20
18. F056. 5.56
17. F057. 7.14
16. F058. 5
15. E068. 7.14
14. E069. 8.33
13. E070. 12.5
12. E071. 100
11. E072. 5.26
10. E073. 100
9. E074. 100
8. E075. 16.67
7. E076. 7.69
6. E077. 12.5
5. D023. 5
4. D024. 50
3. D025. 12.5
2. C018. 5
1. C019. 5.26


Num tag points
21. F053. 20
20. F054. 20
19. F055. 100
18. F056. 25
17. F057. 33.33
16. F058. 20
15. E068. 33.33
14. E069. 25
13. E070. 100
12. E071. 100
11. E072. 20
10. E073. 100
9. E074. 100
8. E075. 100
7. E076. 25
6. E077. 100
5. D023. 20
4. D024. 100
3. D025. 50
2. C018. 20
1. C019. 25


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Anna Seppälä 13 336.66
1. Emmi Rautkylä 13 336.66
3. Heidi Vuopio 12 286.66
4. Taru Calonius 10 220
5. Irina Mäkipaja 6 120


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Arttu Eloranta 19 297.22
2. Karri Palmroos 18 197.22
3. Santtu Ollila 17 147.22
4. Lassi Valtonen 16 130.55
5. Reino Kupari 15 118.05
6. Santtu Koste 15 114.72
7. Ilmo Tolonen 15 110.55
8. Tapio Teerikangas 14 102.22
9. Adam Bloch 14 98.05
10. Juha Haaja 13 85.55
10. Jani Lehtinen 13 85.55
12. Pauli Kohanevic 12 81.39
13. Mikko Lemettilä 12 73.05
14. Taito Ahde 10 57.03
15. delete deleted 8 42.75
16. Matti Saarni 7 36.08
16. Artem Pissarevskiy 7 36.08
18. Jussi Hanski 6 30.82
19. Kim Öhrling 6 30.52
20. Heikki Salminen 5 25.26
21. Mirko Hovinmaa 0 0
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