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BK Collective comp 10/2018



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
point_per_route = 100

Arvon Miehet

Num tag points
22. L024. 4.76
21. L025. 4.76
20. L026. 4.76
19. O113. 7.69
18. O114. 14.29
17. O115. 20
16. O116. 14.29
15. O117. 4.76
14. D067. 5
13. D068. 20
12. D069. 6.25
11. D070. 8.33
10. D071. 5.56
9. D072. 4.76
8. D073. 5
7. C074. 5.56
6. C075. 4.76
5. C076. 9.09
4. C077. 5.26
3. C078. 5.26
2. B016. 12.5
1. B017. 5.56

Arvon Naiset

Num tag points
22. L024. 33.33
21. L025. 25
20. L026. 25
19. O113. 100
18. O114. 100
17. O115. 100
16. O116. 100
15. O117. 33.33
14. D067. 25
13. D068. 100
12. D069. 100
11. D070. 100
10. D071. 50
9. D072. 33.33
8. D073. 33.33
7. C074. 33.33
6. C075. 33.33
5. C076. 100
4. C077. 33.33
3. C078. 33.33
2. B016. 100
1. B017. 50

Arvon Naiset

Standing Name Tops Points
1. Emmi Rautkylä 16 741.64
2. Taru Calonius 12 391.64
2. Liina Eränen 12 391.64
4. Hanna Iisakkila Rojas 3 75

Arvon Miehet

Standing Name Tops Points
1. Arttu Eloranta 22 178.2
1. Markus Muinonen 22 178.2
1. Santtu Koste 22 178.2
1. Lassi Valtonen 22 178.2
5. Timo Peltola 21 158.2
6. Santtu Ollila 20 145.7
7. Karri Palmroos 19 123.91
8. Riku Köymäri 18 111.41
9. Ilmo Tolonen 18 109.62
10. Jarmo Jukka Laine 17 100.53
11. Mikko Lemettilä 16 88.79
12. Roope Heinonen 16 88.03
12. Arto Tanner 16 88.03
14. Jussi Knuuttila 15 81.1
15. Tatu Waltari 14 72.01
16. Juha Immonen 13 66.45
17. Pauli Sivula 13 65.76
18. Pauli Kohanevic 12 60.2
18. Vesa Rousku 12 60.2
20. Mirko Hovinmaa 8 38.56
21. Tero Mäkinen 6 28.56
22. Jussa Klapuri 0 0
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