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Gravitation 4


Results for this competition are based on tries per problem. The more tries, the less points per boulder. More points win.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points based on tries per problem
1 10
other 5


Standing Competitor # Name Tops Tries top Total points Last round pos.
1. 71251 Pauline Gerung 100 112 940
2. 70883 Joelle Reimer 92 105 855
3. 70990 Tina Hirte 91 110 815
4. 67874 Daniela Schrader 83 94 775
5. 71304 Andrea Gommeringer 76 91 685
6. 68688 Selina Huber 71 80 665
7. 71303 Jessica Walz 70 83 655
8. 70879 Johanna Kalbantner 70 82 640
9. 70913 Jasmin Schröder 65 71 620
10. 70966 Elisabeth Hafner 67 80 605
11. 71060 Amelie Dick 63 80 545
12. 71328 Larissa Schad 27 29 260


Standing Competitor # Name Tops Tries top Total points Last round pos.
1. 71082 Stephan Grimm 142 162 1320
2. 71224 Frederik Schäfer 144 173 1295
3. 71329 Max Martini 126 147 1155
4. 70942 Johannes Hohenbichler 128 173 1055
5. 70893 Mike Holz 118 148 1030
6. 71306 Christian Köpf 118 149 1025
7. 62742 Manu H 108 119 1025
8. 70887 Markus Starzer 113 151 940
9. 66555 Max Grabmann 98 110 920
10. 71075 Florian Wiest 96 104 920
11. 70783 Benjamin Bethge 94 112 850
12. 71242 Valentin LE GUELVOUIT 98 126 840
13. 62760 Basti Stein 91 105 840
14. 68755 Samuel Schilk 91 109 820
15. 62676 Tim Pfeiffenberger 90 110 800
16. 71305 Matthias Bemmerl 82 93 765
17. 71307 Andreas Grandrath 73 78 710
18. 62680 Alexander Dick 74 87 705
19. 71310 Robin Hoffmann-Kuhnt 66 73 625
20. 71187 Daniel Ohl 62 74 570
21. 66624 Ich Supertramp 57 98 510
22. 71252 Felix Traub 58 77 485
23. 71296 Bertram Tölpel 49 54 465
24. 71376 Christian Laffler 52 66 450
25. 68732 Alexander Kraft 44 53 395
26. 62941 Claus Näveke 39 44 375
27. 62753 Christian Werner 39 50 335
28. 70901 Claudio Nesciobelli 9 9 90