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Bk Membership comp 10/2017



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
points_per_route = 100

Arvon naiset

Num tag points
25. P108. 100
26. P109. 25
20. P110. 33.33
13. F120. 25
6. F121. 100
2. F122. 33.33
1. F123. 50
19. N030. 25
17. N031. 33.33
16. N032. 25
15. N033. 50
21. P111. 25
22. P112. 33.33
8. F124. 100
12. F125. 100
14. F126. 33.33
5. F127. 33.33
11. F128. 25
7. F129. 100
3. F130. 100
10. F131. 100
9. F132. 100
4. F133. 100
24. P113. 50
23. P114. 50
18. N034. 100


Num tag points
25. P108. 16.67
26. P109. 5.88
20. P110. 5.88
13. F120. 6.25
6. F121. 100
2. F122. 5.88
1. F123. 6.25
19. N030. 5.88
17. N031. 5.88
16. N032. 5.88
15. N033. 5.88
21. P111. 5.88
22. P112. 5.88
8. F124. 100
12. F125. 9.09
14. F126. 7.14
5. F127. 6.67
11. F128. 6.25
7. F129. 20
3. F130. 16.67
10. F131. 10
9. F132. 16.67
4. F133. 9.09
24. P113. 7.69
23. P114. 11.11
18. N034. 10

Arvon naiset

Standing Name Tops Points
1. Kati Antilainen 17 649.98
2. Taru Calonius 15 499.98
3. Päivi Mitrunen 10 283.32
4. Pia Viljakainen 9 266.66


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Jiri Kuusonen 26 412.47
2. Niko Viljanen 24 212.47
2. Markus Muinonen 24 212.47
2. Lassi Valtonen 24 212.47
5. Arttu Eloranta 23 192.47
6. Otto Lahti 19 158.46
7. Heikki Liukkonen 20 149.13
8. Santtu Koste 20 142.46
9. Reino Kupari 18 124.77
10. Hannu Ahonen 18 121.35
11. Karri Palmroos 17 114.28
12. Riku kekki 17 112.26
13. Miikka Miettinen 15 100.27
14. Juha Haaja 15 96.92
15. Vesa Rousku 15 93.17
16. Juho Mitrunen 12 72.56
17. Roope Heinonen 12 71.67
18. Timo Westerberg 0 0
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