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Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
points_per_route = 100

Avoin sarja

Num tag points
1. B013. 10
2. A018. 100
3. L023. 10
4. H008. 50
5. A019. 33.33
6. C022. 7.69
7. L024. 7.69
8. C023. 12.5
9. N015. 6.25
11. B014. 12.5
12. D032. 5.56
13. E015. 14.29
14. O017. 33.33
15. F022. 25
16. G025. 12.5
17. D033. 7.69
18. K013. 7.14
19. M020. 8.33
10. N016. 5.88

Avoin sarja

Standing Name Tops Points
1. Tuukka Simonen 17 244.68
2. Niko Mursu 17 219.68
3. Eemeli Marttila 16 211.35
4. Antti Korva 14 163.85
5. Henry Liukko 15 153.02
6. Mika Heikkinen 14 140.52
7. Antti Rivinoja 13 115.52
8. Juho Risku 10 81.59
9. Janne Aula 9 81.41
10. Antti-Jussi Lesonen 10 78.73
11. Teemu Karjalainen 9 70.4
12. Pekka Tuomi 9 66.23
13. Lauri Mikkonen 6 45.02
14. Eemeli Tikkanen 6 40.21
15. Henri Jurmu 5 33.16
16. Veera Virta 3 19.13
17. Antti Jokiranta 3 17.69
17. Janne Juola 3 17.69
19. Taru Salonurmi 0 0
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