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SM -LEAD U16 / U18 / U20


Competition type: sport

The comp is a sport climbing competition. The competition can have 2 qualification routes, semifinal route and final route.

Every hold earns a point and every attempt from a controlled hold marks a +

List of paid contenders

This listing does not include unpaid contenders

U16 Girls

11 climber(s)
  • Aava Jääskeläinen
  • Saga Andersson
  • Pinja Antikainen
  • Seren Pollard
  • Tilda Kosonen
  • Lili Boijer-Sooof
  • Lumi Pellikka
  • Lilja Harju
  • Mimi Ramu
  • Rafaela Paez
  • Linda von Alfthan

U16 Boys

11 climber(s)
  • Matti Aziz
  • Juho Anttila
  • Jonas Rheinberger
  • Elmeri Harila
  • Julius Nurminen
  • Kalle Solas
  • Olli Hakala
  • Pyry Puolatie
  • Vilho Talvisalmi
  • Leo Laiho
  • Sulo Reuter

U18 Girls

10 climber(s)
  • Venla Matero
  • Jessica Knifsund
  • Saara Autero
  • Leevi Lehmusvesi
  • Rosa Galbe
  • Vivian Reynders
  • Lara Occelli
  • Aava Mattila
  • Saiga Laukontaus
  • Iina Mikkonen

U18 Boys

9 climber(s)
  • Aaro Sihvonen
  • Leino Taulu
  • Roni Ruokonen
  • Aaron Rantanen
  • Eemeli Nuutinen
  • Joakim Karell
  • Suho Nio
  • Akseli Arnkil
  • Niklas Kujansuu

U20 Girls

7 climber(s)
  • Eevi Kokkonen
  • Iris Heikkinen
  • Emilia Ojanen
  • Sayaka Suzuki
  • Unna Putaala
  • Rosa Arnold
  • Vilja Helin

U20 Boys

5 climber(s)
  • Oiva Laakso
  • Toivo Eloranta
  • Arttu Puusniekka
  • Hugo Talvisalmi
  • Pyry Eskonlahti

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Qualification results

{{serie.category.nimi}}, QUALIFICATIONS {{}}
Standing Name Team Qual 1 Qual 2
{{q.standing}}. {{q.climber.etunimi}} {{q.climber.sukunimi}} {{ q.climber[]}} TOP {{route.sport_points}}

Semifinal results

{{serie.category.nimi}} {{}}
##Standing## ##Name## Team ##Points##
{{q.standing}}. {{q.climber.etunimi}} {{q.climber.sukunimi}} {{ q.climber[]}} TOP {{route.sport_points}}

Final results

{{serie.category.nimi}} {{}}
Standing Name Team Standing in qual Points Time
{{q.standing}}. {{q.climber.etunimi}} {{q.climber.sukunimi}} {{ q.climber[]}} {{q.qual_standing}} TOP {{q.sport_points}} {{}}