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BK XMAS Cup 12/2023



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
points_per_route = 100


Num tag points
1. G050. 9.09
2. G051. 4.35
3. G052. 50
4. G053. 100
5. H058. 100
6. H057. 9.09
7. H060. 11.11
8. H059. 4.76
9. I049. 5.26
10. I050. 5.56
11. I051. 100
12. I052. 9.09
13. I053. 5.88
14. B084. 4.55
15. B085. 4.35
16. B086. 5
17. B087. 16.67
18. B088. 100
19. B089. 7.14
20. B090. 7.14


Num tag points
1. G050. 50
2. G051. 14.29
3. G052. 100
4. G053. 100
5. H058. 100
6. H057. 33.33
7. H060. 50
8. H059. 14.29
9. I049. 12.5
10. I050. 12.5
11. I051. 100
12. I052. 25
13. I053. 16.67
14. B084. 12.5
15. B085. 12.5
16. B086. 16.67
17. B087. 100
18. B088. 100
19. B089. 20
20. B090. 33.33


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Megumi Suzuki 15 423.58
2. Aliaksandra Misiukevich 14 323.58
3. JJ Pensikkala 11 190.25
4. Aino Hämäläinen 10 165.25
5. Irina Mäkipaja 10 156.92
6. Masha Martus 8 111.92
7. Annika Termonen 5 64.29
7. Please enter Please enter 5 64.29
9. Emilia Ojanen 0 0


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Max Ketelimäki 17 259.04
2. Oiva Laakso 5 174.55
3. Niklas Näsman 15 109.04
3. Arttu Leinonen 15 109.04
3. Jere Kankaanranta 15 109.04
6. Onni Hurme 14 101.9
7. Heikki Jääskeläinen 14 97.93
8. Arttu Eloranta 14 92.37
8. Please enter Please enter 14 92.37
10. Sylvain Masclet 13 83.28
11. Jaakko Aakula 11 66.61
12. Jaakko Haarla 11 63.08
12. Bennie Wardi 11 63.08
14. Andreas Korento 9 48.11
15. Tuomas Hiilamo 8 43.54
16. Misa Munde 8 39.71
16. Julius Halme 8 39.71
18. Miska Pitts 7 34.71
19. sebastian miettinen 6 33.63
20. Please enter Please enter 6 30.15
21. esko pasanen 6 28.83
22. Mikko Hartikainen 6 28.27
23. Juho Rintala 5 27.98
24. Simo K 5 24.07
25. Toivo Eloranta 0 0
25. Michael Avenido 0 0
25. Lauri Kuula 0 0
25. Toivo Eloranta 0 0
25. Leo Laiho 0 0
25. Jimi Ojala 0 0
25. Cyrille Blonde 0 0
25. Eero Please enter 0 0
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