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BK Cup 8/2023



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
points_per_route = 100


Num tag points
1. C065. 3.7
2. C066. 4.17
4. C067. 11.11
5. C070. 3.85
6. C068. 5.26
7. C069. 4.17
8. C073. 3.7
9. E048. 3.7
10. E049. 12.5
11. E050. 8.33
12. E051. 16.67
13. E052. 5.26
14. E053. 12.5
15. E054. 4.17
16. H038. 3.85
17. H037. 4.35
18. H040. 50
19. H039. 25
20. H042. 10
3. C071. 8.33


Num tag points
1. C065. 16.67
2. C066. 16.67
4. C067. 50
5. C070. 16.67
6. C068. 33.33
7. C069. 16.67
8. C073. 16.67
9. E048. 16.67
10. E049. 50
11. E050. 33.33
12. E051. 100
13. E052. 20
14. E053. 100
15. E054. 20
16. H038. 20
17. H037. 16.67
18. H040. 100
19. H039. 100
20. H042. 50
3. C071. 33.33


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Aliaksandra Misiukevich 18 626.68
2. Rosa Arnold 16 426.68
3. JJ Pensikkala 12 243.35
4. Emmi Rautkylä 11 210.02
5. Aino Hämäläinen 9 156.69
6. Taru Calonius 8 136.69


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Alex Ivanov 20 200.62
1. jb mathevon 20 200.62
3. Max Ketelimäki 19 150.62
4. Leino Taulu 18 133.95
5. Toivo Eloranta 18 125.62
5. Arttu Leinonen 18 125.62
7. Tuomo Kärkkäinen 16 106.18
8. Arttu Eloranta 16 96.45
9. Niklas Näsman 15 83.95
10. Leo Toroi 13 65.62
11. Pekka Mattila 12 54.51
11. Jere Kankaanranta 12 54.51
11. Heikki Jääskeläinen 12 54.51
14. Emil Kall 10 52.32
15. Ossi Tapio 11 49.25
16. Leo Laiho 11 46.18
16. Onni Hurme 11 46.18
18. Eetu Vehvis 10 40.92
18. Andreas Korento 10 40.92
20. Jyry Rautavirta 8 38.88
21. Robert Nagy 9 36.75
22. Magnus Kåll 9 35.66
22. Eeli Lammi 9 35.66
24. Sylvain Masclet 8 32.4
25. Joona Salo 8 31.31
26. Reko P 7 28.23
27. Please enter Please enter 4 21.46
28. Simo K 3 11.1
29. Oiva Laakso 0 0
29. Michael Avenido 0 0
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