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TK Voimafestarit 2022



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
0 =


Num tag points
No routes found


Num tag points
No routes found


Standing Name Tops Points
0. Max Reinhardt 0 0
0. Jyrki Luumi 0 0
0. Arvid Kumpulainen 0 0
0. Sami Vesamäki 0 0
0. Rami Pääkkönen 0 0
0. Tomas Kaartinen 0 0
0. Jari Ahola 0 0
0. Sami Sievänen 0 0
0. Mikko Laiho 0 0
0. Vili Eskelinen 0 0
0. Kimi Porthan 0 0
0. Jukka Kivimäki 0 0
0. Ville Kopakkala 0 0
0. Taneli Leppänen 0 0
0. Joonas Jokinen 0 0
0. Joonas Hiltunen 0 0
0. Otso Uusikartano 0 0


Standing Name Tops Points
0. Teresa Lämsä 0 0
0. Tuuli Lappalainen 0 0
0. Oona Uuttu 0 0
0. Mia M 0 0
0. Veera Kerttula 0 0
0. Nuppu Saarinen 0 0
0. Iida Weckman 0 0
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