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BK XMAS comp 2022



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
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Arvon Miehet

Num tag points
1. I057. 100
2. I058. 100
3. I059. 100
4. I060. 100
5. I061. 100
6. H064. 100
7. H065. 100
8. H066. 50
9. H067. 100
10. G061. 100
11. G067. 100
12. G068. 100
13. G064. 100
14. F089. 50
15. F094. 100
16. F095. 50
17. F092. 100
18. F093. 100
19. F098. 100
20. F099. 100

Arvon Naiset

Num tag points
1. I057. 11.11
2. I058. 14.29
3. I059. 100
4. I060. 9.09
5. I061. 9.09
6. H064. 10
7. H065. 50
8. H066. 9.09
9. H067. 25
10. G061. 12.5
11. G067. 100
12. G068. 100
13. G064. 100
14. F089. 9.09
15. F094. 100
16. F095. 12.5
17. F092. 50
18. F093. 100
19. F098. 25
20. F099. 8.33

Arvon Miehet

Standing Name Tops Points
1. Benjami Aalto 8 650
2. Jaakko Haarla 5 350

Arvon Naiset

Standing Name Tops Points
1. Megumi Suzuki 15 355.09
2. Rosa Arnold 13 242.59
3. Jonna Salmi 12 155.09
3. Katariina Haime 12 155.09
5. Emilia Ojanen 10 105.09
6. Vivian Reynders 9 92.59
6. Aada Kärkkäinen 9 92.59
8. JJ Pensikkala 9 90.8
9. Taru Calonius 7 69.21
10. Muusa Malk 7 67.19
11. Siiri Juppi 6 57.19
12. Hellu R 2 17.42
13. Liia Ahola 0 0
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