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BK Collective comp 11/2021



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
0 =

Arvon naiset

Num tag points
20. K035. 16.67
19. K036. 50
18. K037. 33.33
17. M064. 100
16. M065. 25
15. M066. 50
14. M067. 16.67
13. M068. 50
12. M069. 25
11. M070. 33.33
10. M071. 100
9. M072. 16.67
8. M073. 16.67
7. L027. 20
6. L028. 100
5. L029. 20
4. L030. 33.33
3. K039. 25
2. K040. 16.67
1. K041. 20


Num tag points
20. K035. 2.78
19. K036. 7.14
18. K037. 3.03
17. M064. 100
16. M065. 4
15. M066. 7.69
14. M067. 3.13
13. M068. 7.69
12. M069. 4.35
11. M070. 5.88
10. M071. 100
9. M072. 3.03
8. M073. 2.86
7. L027. 2.94
6. L028. 100
5. L029. 3.57
4. L030. 7.14
3. K039. 3.45
2. K040. 2.86
1. K041. 2.94

Arvon naiset

Standing Name Tops Points
1. Aliaksandra Misiukevich 17 468.34
2. Emmi Rautkylä 16 435.01
3. Sayaka Suzuki 14 318.34
4. Satoko Munetake 12 251.68
5. Irina Mäkipaja 8 143.35
6. Vilma Fors 5 83.35
7. Inka Holopainen 0 0


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Jiri Kuusonen 19 274.48
2. Markus Muinonen 17 74.48
2. Lassi Valtonen 17 74.48
2. Taito Ahde 17 74.48
2. Elmeri Numminen 17 74.48
2. Markus Sojakka 17 74.48
2. Oiva Laakso 17 74.48
2. Alex Ivanov 17 74.48
9. Markus Kitunen 16 67.34
9. Andy Guthrie 16 67.34
11. Antti Kontio 16 66.79
12. Simo Piispanen 15 59.1
13. Jussa Klapuri 14 53.77
14. Kalle Mustonen 14 52.51
14. Minako Rosenberg 14 52.51
16. Juuso Metsola 14 51.96
16. Petteri Oksanen 14 51.96
18. Timo Peltola 13 46.63
18. Sayuri Suzuki 13 46.63
20. Paul Kemppi 11 40.19
21. Tuomo Pulkkinen 12 38.94
22. Magnus Kåll 11 37.73
23. Vili Vesanto 11 35.81
24. Harri Hedgren 11 34.94
25. Emil Kall 11 34.59
26. Herra Kurre 10 34.16
27. Ville Ruusutie 10 30.59
27. Jaakko Haarla 10 30.59
29. Riku Aaltonen 9 27.14
30. Tuukka Saranpää 8 23.57
31. Hannu Jungman 7 20.63
32. Misa Munde 7 20.54
33. Reino Kupari 6 18.47
34. Tomi Hurskainen 6 18.17
35. Antti Holappa 6 17.68
36. delete deleted 2 9.88
37. esko pasanen 3 8.58
38. Adrian Fiechter 2 5.64
39. Arttu Eloranta 0 0
39. Vesa Rousku 0 0
39. Santeri Oksanen 0 0
39. Henry Huuskonen 0 0
39. Konsta Kemppainen 0 0
39. Pekka Mattila 0 0
39. Joni Kallio 0 0
39. Frans Mäki 0 0
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