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BK Collective Comp 10 / 2020



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
points_per_route = 100


Num tag points
28. L023. 12.5
27. L024. 3.7
26. L025. 14.29
25. L026. 5.26
24. K023. 2.7
23. K024. 3.03
22. K025. 2.94
21. K026. 12.5
20. K027. 3.57
19. J014. 3.85
18. J015. 2.7
17. J016. 5
16. I012. 4.17
15. I013. 3.03
14. I014. 2.86
13. I015. 3.33
12. H035. 6.25
11. H036. 2.78
10. H037. 2.86
9. H038. 16.67
8. H039. 2.7
7. H040. 6.67
6. G040. 2.7
5. G041. 2.78
4. G042. 11.11
3. G043. 33.33
2. G044. 2.94
1. G045. 33.33


Num tag points
28. L023. 100
27. L024. 20
26. L025. 100
25. L026. 50
24. K023. 9.09
23. K024. 10
22. K025. 11.11
21. K026. 100
20. K027. 12.5
19. J014. 20
18. J015. 9.09
17. J016. 50
16. I012. 25
15. I013. 11.11
14. I014. 11.11
13. I015. 12.5
12. H035. 50
11. H036. 11.11
10. H037. 12.5
9. H038. 100
8. H039. 9.09
7. H040. 50
6. G040. 9.09
5. G041. 11.11
4. G042. 100
3. G043. 100
2. G044. 12.5
1. G045. 100


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Emmi Rautkylä 22 516.91
2. Sayaka Suzuki 21 416.91
3. Irina Mäkipaja 17 216.91
3. Amanda Nyman 17 216.91
5. Tran Pham 15 171.91
5. Sini Vatanen 15 171.91
7. Taru Calonius 14 151.91
7. Vilma Fors 14 151.91
9. Julia Palorinne 10 101.91
10. Kristiina Hirvonen 5 46.36
11. Marianne Salo 4 36.36


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Jiri Kuusonen 28 209.55
2. Tommi Haapala 27 176.22
2. Markus Sojakka 27 176.22
2. Nooa Kekoni 27 176.22
5. Reetu Kouki 26 142.89
6. Timo Peltola 25 126.22
7. Arttu Eloranta 23 121.65
8. Joni Ärmänen 24 113.72
9. Riku Köymäri 22 92.49
10. Simo Piispanen 22 88.32
11. Andy Guthrie 21 88.18
12. Lassi Valtonen 21 81.93
13. Markus Kitunen 20 72.88
14. Sayuri Suzuki 20 70.82
15. Jussa Klapuri 20 70.56
16. Ville Ruusutie 20 69.15
16. anssi kainulainen 20 69.15
18. Jani Lehtinen 19 62.9
18. Adam Bloch 19 62.9
20. Herra Kurre 18 57.64
20. Magnus Kåll 18 57.64
20. Jaakko Haarla 18 57.64
23. Teemu Salo 17 52.64
24. Ville Holmström 16 50.16
25. Anton Strand 16 50.09
26. Lari Kostamo 15 45.14
27. Oula Rahkonen 14 41.29
28. Misa Munde 14 41.2
29. Pekka Mattila 14 41.05
30. Mikael KÃ¥ll 14 40.92
31. Arttu Raatikainen 13 37.35
31. Kim Westerlund 13 37.35
33. Tuomas Lappeteläinen 12 34.65
34. Emil Kall 10 27.96
35. Toni Raatikainen 8 22.16
35. Niklas Engblom 8 22.16
37. Jari Toukkari 4 10.8
38. Kalle Mustonen 0 0
38. Timo Westerberg 0 0
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