Jani Knifsund

Route list and points for climber

If the competition results are not the same, in 99.9% of the cases the ticks are NOT made inside the competition tick timespan.

Problem num Points
3 12.639
2 6.666
1 17.743
4 9.240
5 14.663
6 49.995
7 11.583
8 34.375
10 20.757
11 25.586
12 6.248
14 50.000
15 6.248
16 8.459
17 6.248
18 16.918
19 21.153
20 16.918
21 7.194
22 19.230
23 10.285
24 16.130
25 8.525
26 6.248
27 9.482
29 7.337
30 16.918
31 7.689
32 16.918
33 25.000
13 14.663
Total: 501.058 Tops: 31