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BK Collective Comp 2 / 2020



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
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Arvon naiset

Num tag points
23. P015. 25
22. P016. 100
21. P017. 25
20. P018. 25
19. P019. 100
18. P020. 33.33
17. P021. 25
16. P022. 100
15. N006. 25
14. N007. 33.33
13. N008. 33.33
12. N009. 100
11. N010. 100
10. J005. 25
9. J006. 100
8. J007. 100
7. J008. 100
6. J009. 100
5. J010. 50
4. K006. 100
3. K007. 100
2. K008. 100
1. K009. 25


Num tag points
23. P015. 2.86
22. P016. 7.69
21. P017. 3.03
20. P018. 3.23
19. P019. 6.25
18. P020. 3.03
17. P021. 3.45
16. P022. 6.25
15. N006. 2.86
14. N007. 3.33
13. N008. 3.45
12. N009. 100
11. N010. 4.55
10. J005. 2.86
9. J006. 16.67
8. J007. 14.29
7. J008. 5.88
6. J009. 33.33
5. J010. 4
4. K006. 12.5
3. K007. 100
2. K008. 100
1. K009. 2.86


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Jiri Kuusonen 23 442.37
2. Antti Piisola 19 136.12
2. Reetu Kouki 19 136.12
4. Timo Peltola 19 109.04
5. Santtu Koste 18 102.79
6. Lassi Valtonen 17 95.1
7. Arttu Eloranta 17 78.08
8. Ilmo Tolonen 16 70.39
9. Tapio Teerikangas 16 65.58
9. Jani Lehtinen 16 65.58
9. Karri Palmroos 16 65.58
9. Jussa Klapuri 16 65.58
9. Tuomas Tikkala 16 65.58
14. Simo Piispanen 15 59.7
15. Riku Köymäri 15 59.33
16. Juho Salminen 15 57.89
17. Otto Lahti 13 53.8
18. Ville Holmström 13 45.76
19. Juha Haaja 13 45.39
20. Reino Kupari 12 41.94
21. Petri Sonninen 12 41.21
21. Teemu Salo 12 41.21
23. Pauli Sivula 12 39.51
23. Taito Ahde 12 39.51
25. Tatu Lakka 11 37.76
26. Roope Heinonen 10 30.96
26. delete deleted 10 30.96
26. Santeri Oksanen 10 30.96
29. Magnus Kåll 8 26.98
30. Timppa Koo 8 24.48
31. Jani Kinnunen 8 24.28
32. Kide Kallinen 8 24.18
33. Artem Pissarevskiy 6 17.92
34. Heikki Salminen 6 17.5
35. Kim Öhrling 4 11.44

Arvon naiset

Standing Name Tops Points
1. Emmi Rautkylä 12 424.99
2. Tran Pham 11 324.99
3. Taru Calonius 10 274.99
4. Anniina Meriläinen 7 175
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