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HohtoBoulder 27.9.



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
points_per_route = 100 alone


Num tag points
1. Z1085. 14.29
2. Z1086. 25
3. Z1087. 20
4. Z1088. 12.5
5. Z1089. 33.33
6. Z1090. 8.33
7. Z1091. 16.67
8. Z1092. 33.33
9. Z1093. 14.29
10. Z1094. 14.29
11. Z1095. 50
12. Z1096. 25
13. Z1097. 20
14. Z1098. 100
15. Z1099. 25
16. Z1100. 9.09
17. Z1101. 10
18. Z1102. 12.5
19. Z1103. 16.67
20. Z1104. 14.29
21. Z1105. 10
22. Z1106. 16.67
23. Z1107. 10
24. Z1108. 11.11
25. Z1109. 16.67
26. Z1110. 14.29
27. Z1111. 25
28. Z1112. 25
29. Z1113. 20
30. Z1114. 12.5


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Tuukka Simonen 30 635.82
2. Lauri Vehkala 27 460.82
3. Antti Korva 21 324.87
4. Antti-Jussi Lesonen 16 235.45
5. Aamu Marttila 12 230.24
6. Eetu Heikkinen 15 209.03
7. Antti-Eemil Kurri 15 204.74
8. Tuukka Rajamäki 11 134.46
9. Juha Lipponen 11 128.78
10. Lauri Mikkonen 10 125.45
11. Niko Mursu 6 118.33
12. Janne Aula 7 97.07
13. Tatu Turunem 5 56
14. Eemeli Rytkönen 3 39.09
15. Jamu Thekone 0 0
15. Toni Puurunen 0 0
15. Atte Pitkälahti 0 0
15. Iivari Salila 0 0
15. Simo Kaihua 0 0
15. Saku Veila 0 0
15. Tommi Väyrynen 0 0
15. Petri Ollila 0 0
15. Jere Pesälä 0 0
15. Pekka Korpelainen 0 0
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