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Riksu Open - Juniorit



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
points_per_route = 100
1 = 1.1
2 = 1

Alle 8-vuotiaat

Num tag points
1. A056. 100
2. A057. 32.26
3. A058. 100
4. A059. 100
5. B044. 100
6. B045. 100
7. B046. 100
8. B047. 100
9. C065. 100
10. C066. 22.73
11. C067. 100
12. C069. 100
13. C070. 100
14. C071. 90.91
15. C072. 23.26
16. C073. 100
17. C074. 100
18. C075. 100
19. C076. 100
20. C077. 100
21. C078. 100
22. C079. 50
23. C080. 90.91
24. F001. 30.3
25. F002. 23.26
26. F003. 100
27. F004. 50
28. F005. 100
29. F006. 31.25
30. F007. 90.91
31. F008. 100
32. F009. 100
33. F010. 100
34. F011. 100
35. F012. 23.81


Num tag points
1. A056. 100
2. A057. 18.87
3. A058. 32.26
4. A059. 100
5. B044. 100
6. B045. 100
7. B046. 100
8. B047. 32.26
9. C065. 100
10. C066. 15.38
11. C067. 100
12. C069. 100
13. C070. 100
14. C071. 23.26
15. C072. 15.38
16. C073. 100
17. C074. 100
18. C075. 47.62
19. C076. 23.81
20. C077. 100
21. C078. 100
22. C079. 31.25
23. C080. 90.91
24. F001. 15.38
25. F002. 22.73
26. F003. 24.39
27. F004. 23.81
28. F005. 100
29. F006. 18.52
30. F007. 100
31. F008. 100
32. F009. 23.26
33. F010. 100
34. F011. 100
35. F012. 23.81


Num tag points
1. A056. 47.62
2. A057. 15.15
3. A058. 18.52
4. A059. 100
5. B044. 47.62
6. B045. 100
7. B046. 45.45
8. B047. 23.26
9. C065. 100
10. C066. 12.99
11. C067. 47.62
12. C069. 50
13. C070. 47.62
14. C071. 22.73
15. C072. 15.38
16. C073. 90.91
17. C074. 45.45
18. C075. 22.73
19. C076. 30.3
20. C077. 45.45
21. C078. 100
22. C079. 18.87
23. C080. 23.81
24. F001. 13.33
25. F002. 13.33
26. F003. 13.33
27. F004. 15.63
28. F005. 47.62
29. F006. 15.38
30. F007. 100
31. F008. 23.81
32. F009. 22.73
33. F010. 100
34. F011. 100
35. F012. 15.38


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Elias Rintamäki 31 1220.32
2. Oliver Viljamaa 24 710.79
3. Johanna-Marjo Anttila 19 413.68
4. Aleksi Reinikka 16 309.97
5. Levi Kalske 12 213.2
6. Keea Sarkkinen 10 162.31
7. Matilda Heiskanen 5 69.66


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Juho Anttila 19 731.19
2. Jere Viljamaa 16 407.27
3. Peetu Rintamäki 15 369.92
4. Pyry Reinikka 11 233.53
5. Iita Tulirinta 5 90.01
6. Iina Dammert 4 68.09

Alle 8-vuotiaat

Standing Name Tops Points
1. Seren Pollard 13 705.56
2. Ville Kalske 10 396.83
3. Santtu Rintamäki 6 176.75
4. Rasmus Peltopuro 4 173.85
5. Armi Tulirinta 2 47.07
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