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BK Collective comp 11/2018



Results for this competition are based on variable points.

The competition belongs to the collowing cups

Points per route. If there are ratios per tries, it means that there is a perk for flashin/climbing the route on 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) attempt
point_per_route = 100


Num tag points
20. N122. 10
19. N123. 6.25
18. N124. 33.33
17. N125. 6.25
16. M092. 6.25
15. M093. 5
14. M094. 12.5
13. M095. 5.88
12. H049. 7.69
11. H050. 6.67
10. G066. 6.67
9. G067. 33.33
8. F079. 6.67
7. F080. 33.33
6. E119. 7.69
5. E120. 100
4. D047. 33.33
3. C026. 7.14
2. B031. 5.88
1. A031. 14.29


Num tag points
20. N122. 100
19. N123. 33.33
18. N124. 100
17. N125. 33.33
16. M092. 33.33
15. M093. 25
14. M094. 100
13. M095. 33.33
12. H049. 50
11. H050. 33.33
10. G066. 100
9. G067. 100
8. F079. 100
7. F080. 100
6. E119. 100
5. E120. 100
4. D047. 100
3. C026. 50
2. B031. 50
1. A031. 100


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Emmi Rautkylä 11 541.65
2. Taru Calonius 10 441.65
3. Heidi Härkönen 6 191.65
4. Hanna Iisakkila Rojas 1 25


Standing Name Tops Points
1. Jiri Kuusonen 20 348.15
2. Arttu Eloranta 19 248.15
3. Santtu Koste 18 214.82
4. Karri Palmroos 15 135.66
5. Lassi Valtonen 15 114.83
6. Ilmo Tolonen 14 102.33
7. Ville Soininen 14 100.54
8. Riku Köymäri 13 92.33
9. Arto Tanner 13 90.54
10. Jussa Klapuri 13 88.04
11. Juha Haaja 11 80.85
12. Roope Heinonen 12 80.35
13. Joonatan Borchers 11 75.71
14. Mikko Lemettilä 11 70.35
15. Jussi Knuuttila 10 62.66
16. Ville Ruusutie 9 57.01
17. Heikki Salminen 3 16.76
18. Mikko Salama 2 10.88
19. Tero Mäkinen 1 5
19. Paul Müller 1 5
21. toni luhio 0 0
21. Santtu Ollila 0 0
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